Monday, June 17, 2013

Pre-Assignment TED Talks Reflections

First of all, I had a hard time getting the videos to play using the links that were provided on the assignment page. Was this an issue for anyone else? I tried Safari and Firefox browsers on two different computers with no luck. Finally, I just googled "ted talks education rita pierson" and found this link:

The description and video length were identical, so I'm taking the leap that the content is the same too.

I'm glad that I was able to find a way to watch Rita Pierson's lecture because I found it truly inspiring. I loved the anecdote in which she tells a colleague, "Kids don't learn from people they don't like." It got me thinking a lot about perception and how that is essential to student learning. I feel this is especially true of middle school students, where there are huge amounts of growth physically, emotionally, and hormonally. Who hasn't experienced students totally shutting you out because they're upset with you / the circumstance?

One thing that I'm wondering about are ways to cultivate this positive relationship. In the sixth grade, I observed many female teachers using terms of endearment like "honey" or "sweetheart" that sound creepy coming from a male teacher. I have tried to use humor, humbleness (see the section of the video about apologizing), and an interest in the students' lives, but I think the more ways I can hammer home that I'm on their side, the better off we both will be.

I also worry about maintaining that balance between someone who is liked by students as their buddy versus someone who is respected by students as having their best interests in mind. I see parents struggle with this dynamic all the time. While I agree with Rita that students need to have cheerleaders, I think that a student view of you as their friend can actually be damaging - especially when you have to take on your role as an authority / adult in the relationship.

I had to find the other video, "Teen Talks: Think for Yourself", by googling as well. Here is the link:

My favorite part of this video is when Julia, the teen being interviewed in this clip, talks about her "Mic/Mac" teacher and how he conveys his passion for the subject by sharing resources that he uses and connects curriculum to what's happening in the world. Julia describes this as "something that can bring me out of the classroom." 

I think in Yarmouth, we have the good fortune of having a community that is largely committed to education and an administration that is not quite as consumed with test results as many districts throughout the country. This affords us as teachers more opportunities to go "off script" and share those connections and passions where we see fit. Since we have the opportunity perhaps more than most, we should take advantage.

Some questions that arose for me were: 
-Is there a balance that can be struck between sharing passion and meeting the prescribed requirements of given course (or test)? What are some ways to connect the two?

-I like this idea of "bringing students outside of the classroom" without necessarily physically leaving the room. What are some ways to create this perception - especially for a teacher (like me - or Rita Pierson teaching ratios) who is regularly teaching new curriculum and might not be masterful in all areas of a topic?


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